Poetry Reading at the Library

On Saturday, October 29 at 2:00 at the downtown Modesto library, there will be a poetry reading! Modesto Poet Laureate Stella Beratlis and former Poet Laureate Gillian Wegener will be reading with Bay Area poets Rosa Lane and Nina Lindsay. Stay after the reading for a Q&A and book signing.

All four poets have books published by Sixteen Rivers Press. Join us for a great afternoon!

New Video: U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera

Great news–even if you missed the wonderful reading by U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera at our own Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock earlier this month, you can still watch the video! Thank you to our volunteer videographer Richard Anderson.

Don’t forget–we also have oodles of other poetry readings on our Videos page!

Juan Felipe Herrera reads at Turlock, 9/18/16 from Richard Anderson Two Roads on Vimeo.

MoSt Board Meeting

Join us at Tom Portwood’s home for our next Board meeting! All interested MoSt members may attend. For more information, contact us at info@mostpoetry.org

5th Annual Modesto Poetry Festival

2017_mostflyerEach year in February we organize and hold an all-day poetry festival featuring workshops, readings, and a featured poet. This year, we are proud to welcome featured poet Susan Wooldridge as our guest poet and workshop leader.

Join us on Saturday, February 4th, 2017 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Modesto for a day of poetry, learning, and inspiration! Click on the image at right to download the PDF flyer, and you can click here to download the registration form (which also has details about this year’s festival poetry contest).

Themes for this year’s contest are 1. Across the Generations; 2. Rivers and Streams; 3. Fault Lines; 4. Polarities / Attractions. Submissions to the poetry contest must be postmarked by the CONTEST DEADLINE: JANUARY 11, 2017. Please see the form for more information.


2017 Poetry Festival Details Announced!

2017_mostflyerEach year in February we organize and hold an all-day poetry festival featuring workshops, readings, and a featured poet. This year, we are proud to welcome featured poet Susan Wooldridge as our guest poet and workshop leader.

Join us on Saturday, February 4th, 2017 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Modesto for a day of poetry, learning, and inspiration! Click on the image at right to download the PDF flyer, and you can click here to download the registration form (which also has details about this year’s festival poetry contest).

Themes for this year’s contest are 1. Across the Generations; 2. Rivers and Streams; 3. Fault Lines; 4. Polarities / Attractions. Submissions to the poetry contest must be postmarked by the CONTEST DEADLINE: JANUARY 11, 2017. Please see the form for more information.
