Come join us at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock for our next installment of the quarterly Poetry on Sunday series, featuring Laura Bayliss, Pat Egenberger, Lynn M. Hansen, and Jennifer Lagier. This event is FREE and open to the public, with an open mic following the reading. Join us in celebrating the spoken word!
Click here to download the PDF flyer.
Laura Bayless is the author of three collections of poetry, The Edge of the Nest, White Streams and Touchstones, and Persistent Dreams. Her poems have appeared in local and national publications, and anthologies, including Dancing on the Brink of the World, Selected Poems of Point Lobos, Porter Gulch Review, The Homestead Review, and Blue Heron. She is co-editor of an award-winning compilation of stories and poems about the Carmel River – Passion for Place. She participated in seven Women’s Voices readings at the Carl Cherry Center in Carmel and multiple Women and Food art and poetry presentations on the Monterey Peninsula. “In the practice of writing poems I find what has been waiting for me, what sheds another layer of pretense. I am uplifted, enriched, reconciled, and reminded of all that I do not know. I cast my poems to itinerant winds, unquestioning of where they might reseed in the meadow of another heart.”
Pat Egenberger‘s first published poems appeared in the early 1970’s in Original Works, a multi-language journal. Locally, Song of the san Joaquin, Modesto Poets’ Corner, and Between Sheets have published her poems over the years. Her work was included in the anthology More Than Soil More Than Sky, the Modesto Poets. Other publications include Spirit of the Rose Journal, Women Talking, Women Listening, and Medicine Jug. Pat taught for about 38 years in public schools–middle school through university–various subjects, such as English, foreign languages, art/drama electives, and video production. She enjoys learning foreign languages, exploring various art media, doing volunteer work, and spending special time with grandchildren. She lives in Modesto with her husband of 49 years, Leroy.
Lynn M. Hansen, author of Flicker, Poems by Lynn M. Hansen, has lived in the Modesto, California area since 1955. Her roots are rural as reflected in her poetry celebrating Valley living. A naturalist and trained biologist she uses her poetry to immortalize natural environments like vernal pools and grasslands special to the Central Valley. She is Past President of the Modesto Chapter of National League of American Pen Women, a founding member of MoSt Poetry Center, a member and 2014 Grand Prize winner of the Ina Coolbrith Circle’s annual Poets’ Dinner Contest. Her poems have appeared in The Pen Woman; More Than Soil, More Than Sky, an Anthology of the Modesto Poets; Quercus Review; hardpan; and Song of the San Joaquin, among others. She lives with her husband Richard Anderson in Modesto, California not far from the Tuolumne River, lifeblood for Valley farmers and spawning salmon.
Jennifer Lagier has published ten books and in literary magazines. She taught with California Poets in the Schools, co-edits the Homestead Review, helps coordinate monthly Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium Second Sunday readings. Forthcoming books: Harbingers (Blue Light Press), Scene of the Crime (Evening Street Press), Camille Abroad (FutureCycle). Website: