If you’d like to receive a prompt a day for 30 days to write out the old year and write in the new, this challenge is for you! It is also very low key — write to all the prompts or save them all for later, write one poem or write 30, no one checks up on you. This is just for fun! If you’d like to join us, email us at info@mostpoetry with your email address and we’ll add you to the list.
Imagination Film Festival
The Imagination Film Festival is FREE at the State Theater and will feature a showing of poet James Broughton’s film “The Bed,” along with a reading of his poem “The Bed” by local poets, including Stella Beratlis. There is a 6:00 reception, followed by the program at 7:00. This is brought to you by the Modesto Art Museum and the State Theater.
High Tea & Poetry @ Queen Bean
This new monthly reading series from playshows.org will continue on the first Thursday of each month and will have both featured poets and an open mic. It is from 7-9pm and will have an intermission. Go and enjoy! This month’s featured poet is Robert Zenz. More info: http://playshows.org/events-.html
MoSt Poetry Board Meeting
Our next Board meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan. 5 at Standiford Place.
Deadline: Snail Mail Review
Snail Mail Review is accepting submissions for its next issue until December 31. Find out more at http://www.snailmailreview.