Coffee, Tea, and Poetry

Join host Salvatore Salerno for Coffee, Tea, and Poetry on July 10th at 8:00am Pacific Time. Share some poems from a recent book of poetry you’ve read or are reading. You can even share your screen ahead of time to show us a poem or two as you read.

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Salvatore Salerno, Modesto Poet Laureate

Congratulations to MoSt board member Salvatore Salerno, Modesto’s ninth Poet Laureate!

Screen shot of Poet Laureate Salvatore Salerno reading his poem at Modesto City Council Meeting, 6/22/21
Modesto Poet Laureate Salvatore Salerno reading a poem at City Council Meeting on June 22, 2021
Salvatore reads his poem starting at 7:39.

Second Tuesday Poetry with David Campos and J.J. Hernandez

The Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center presents Second Tuesday Poetry featuring Fresno poets David Campos and J.J. Hernandez

DAVID CAMPOS, the son of Mexican immigrants and a CantoMundo Fellow, is the author of two collections–his newest, American Quasar, was just published by Red Hen Press and is a textual-visual collaboration with the artist Maceo Montoya. His debut collection, Furious Dawn, was the winner of the 2014 Andres Montoya Poetry Prize. Campos’s work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, and The Normal School. He’s the winner of Annual Prairie Schooner Strousse Award for the best group of poems in Prairie Schooner. He teaches English at Fresno City College and he lives in Clovis, California.

“David Campos’ American Quasar is a true force of collaboration that implores a new vision of exegesis with the renowned artist, Maceo Montoya. How can we love what hurts us, and how can we love the things we hurt? Here is a speaker kneeling in reverence to a god, a lover, or a self which we can acutely love and hurt at the same time. Set in the storied landscape of the California Central Valley, this book is an indictment of what America has burned or buried, and a document of all that has nonetheless survived in the ashes: the name of a distant father, the gravity of the past on our chest. Powerfully surreal and imagistic, Campos is a necessary voice both tender and unrelenting, a voice that is both wound and salve. How fortunate we are for the gifts of poet and artist at the height of their powers.”—Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, author of Centzontle

J.J. HERNANDEZ is a Colorado-born poet with roots in the California Central San Joaquin Valley. He earned both a BA in English Education and an MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis in Poetry from CSU, Fresno. While attending Fresno State, J.J. was the inaugural Graduate Artist in the Laureate Lab: Visual Words Studio,  working under the supervision of Juan Felipe Herrera. J.J. Is currently a writing/composition instructor at various colleges across the Central San Joaquin Valley. His work has been supported by the Community of Writers and has been published in various literary journals. 

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Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +16699006833,92854068503#  or +13462487799,92854068503# 

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    +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)

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    Meeting ID: 928 5406 8503

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MoSt Annual Meeting

Save the date for our annual meeting on Sunday, July 11th at 11:00  9:00 AM.

UPDATE:  Due to the forecast heat for Sunday, we’ve opted to go back to Zoom for the annual meeting.  Time remains at 9 am.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,91423468395# or +13462487799,91423468395#

Or Telephone:
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
+1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
+1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)
+1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)
+1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)
+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 914 2346 8395


Congratulations to Pat Egenberger

We are very pleased that Pat Egenberger is the featured poet for the June issue of Stanislaus Connections. Pat taught for 36+ years in middle schools, high schools, and colleges.  Her courses included English, foreign languages, sheltered English, drama/art electives, and video production.  She received an award for classroom excellence from the California Association of Teachers of English. Her avocations include art, writing, foreign languages/cultures, and travel. Her poetry has been published in such journals as Song of the San Joaquin, A Time of Singing, The Monterey Poetry Review, Penumbra and the anthology More Than Soil More Than  Sky, the Modesto PoetsThe English Journal and California English have published her articles on pedagogy.