Our next MoSt Poetry Board meeting will be held on Thursday, November 5th, at 6:30 pm via Zoom. If you are interested in attending, please email info@mostpoetry.org for more information.
Family Friday at the Carnegie
MoSt Poetry has collaborated with the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock to put together materials for the upcoming Family Friday on October 23rd.
The Carnegie will have 25 FREE Family Friday kits available for pickup Thursday, Oct 22 10am-7pm and Friday, Oct 23 10am-5pm. Then tune in on Friday for some great video tutorials that you can follow along with at home. You’ll learn how to create a beautiful poem from cut-up words and how to cut colorful papel picado to display in your home, inspired by the current exhibition on display in the galleries.
Sep 30
Poems of Joy and Celebration, Day 26
Summer in a Small Town
by Linda Gregg
When the men leave me,
they leave me in a beautiful place.
It is always late summer.
When I think of them now,
I think of the place.
And being happy alone afterwards.
This time it’s Clinton, New York.
I swim in the public pool
at six when the other people
have gone home.
The sky is gray, the air hot.
I walk back across the mown lawn
loving the smell and the houses
so completely it leaves my heart empty.
from ALL OF IT SINGING: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS by Linda Gregg. Published by Graywolf Press, 2008.
Most Poetry will post a poem on the theme of joy and celebration, selected by our members, each day through the month of September.
Sep 29
Poems of Joy and Celebration, Day 25
Elegy For the Poet Charles Moulton
by Peter Everwine
When we were last together,
you read me your latest poem from a sheaf
of hand -scrawled pages, dog-eared
and rolled together by a rubber band.
You didn’t ask me to look at it.
We both knew why: I thought a catfish
had a better grasp of English spelling;
you thought my soul had narrowed
from too many years in a classroom.
Yours was a freedom one might envy,
listening to your drawl of gravelly music,
that wild guffaw when a line pleased you.
I have a photo of you, taken
on some mountain—big grin,
arms held out wide, you’re dancing a jig
buck-naked in your broken boots
and there’s so much joy in your grizzled face
I have to turn away.
You look like you’re getting ready to fly.
“Elegy For The Poet Charles Moulton” by Peter Everwine, from Listening Long And Late. Copyright University of Pittsburg Press 2013.
Most Poetry will post a poem on the theme of joy and celebration, selected by our members, each day through the month of September.
Sep 28
Poems of Joy and Celebration, Day 24
The Blue Robe
by Wendell Berry
How joyful to be together, alone
As when we first were joined
In our little house by the river
Long ago, except that now we know
Each other, as we did not then;
And now instead of two stories fumbling
To meet, we belong to one story
That the two, joining, made. And now
We touch each other with the tenderness
Of mortals, who know themselves:
How joyful to feel the heart quake
At the sight of a grandmother,
Old friend in the morning light,
Beautiful in her blue robe!
“The Blue Robe” by Wendell Berry, from New Collected Poems; copyright Counterpoint Press 2012.
Most Poetry will post a poem on the theme of joy and celebration, selected by our members, each day through the month of September.