Second Tuesday @ Barkin’ Dog

The Second Tuesday Poetry Reading is as late in the month as it can get, so be sure to mark your calendar for August 14 at 6:00 at the Barkin’ Dog Grill.

This month’s featured readers are DW Schmidt and Kathleen Winter, and of course, our featured readers will be followed by an open mic, so bring a poem or two to share.

D.W. Schmidt has written much more prose than poetry.  When he started writing poetry, he felt the poems happened accidentally, like they found him, which was probably the influence of the great imagist poets he has taught in his college classes for so long.  Lately, he has allowed his poems to be more topical, personal, phrase-driven, and ultimately more intentional.

Kathleen Winter is the author of I will not kick my friends (2018), which won the Elixir Poetry Prize, and Nostalgia for the Criminal Past, winner of the Texas Institute of Letters Bob Bush Memorial Award. Her poems have appeared in Tin House, Agni, New Statesman, New Republic and Yale ReviewShe was granted fellowships by Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Dobie Paisano Ranch, Dora Maar House, James Merrill House and Cill Rialaig Retreat.

Upcoming Events Reminder!

Remember to join us TONIGHT at the Barkin’ Dog Grill in Modesto for our July edition of Second Tuesday! Check out the details here.

Also, this Thursday is our Annual Meeting & Celebration – We’ll review the past year and plan for the next! All interested parties welcome. The meeting starts at 4:00 pm and we’ll have a potluck dinner starting at 5.  RSVP to info@ for location.

MoSt Board Meeting

Our next regular Board meeting will be held on August 2nd at a member’s home–Board members stay tuned for more information. If you are interested in attending, please contact

Second Tuesday @ Barkin’ Dog

Join us for the Second Tuesday Barkin’ Dog reading on July 10 at 6:00 at the Barkin’ Dog Grill in downtown Modesto. We’ll have an evening of writing inspired by the poetry of Thomas Merton, hosted by Ed Bearden. An open mic will follow the featured reading, so bring a poem or two to share.

About the Thomas Merton Poetry Group: In February of 2016 Deacon George Cano of St. Paul’s Episcopalian Church, convened the Thomas Merton poetry group. It was began to provide more than chit-chat, but rather to encourage spiritual growth. Poetry, as another way to pray. Meeting twice a month, the group wrote and published Poetic Prayer: writing from the soul. Meditation
techniques from Buddhist traditions or centering prayer were used to access the poetic well. The group consists of Deacon George Cano, Ed Bearden, Roberta Bearden, Jeanette Comegys, Stephanie Gilmer, Sarah B. Hartmann, Judy Miller, Linda Marie Prather and Cheryl Russel Pogue. Others would be welcome to join the writing and fellowship.

MoSt Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center will be held on July 12th at a member’s home in Modesto. All members and interested poetry friends are welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 4:00, with a potluck dinner at 5:00. Mark your calendars and join us!  Email us at for more information.