Local Poetry Publication Opportunity!

From our friends at Stanislaus Connections:

Poetry about the themes of peace, justice and/or a sustainable environment can be submitted for A Gathering of Voices in Stanislaus Connections, a monthly publication of the Modesto Peace/Life Center. We accept original new and previously published poetry from poets of all ages.

Criteria for publishing: original poetry on topics listed above, a high resolution jpeg, and an activist/poetry bio.

Please send submissions to seekerseer@sbcglobal.net.
Website: www.stanislausconnections.org

Poetry on Sunday @ Carnegie

dec2016carnegieflyerOur Poetry on Sunday quarterly reading series at Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock continues on December 4th at 2 pm–feel free to print and distribute the flyer, available as a PDF right here.

Featured readers:

Stella Beratlis is the author of Alkali Sink (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2015) and co-editor of the collection More Than Soil, More Than Sky: The Modesto Poets. Alkali Sink was a nominee for the Northern California Book Award in poetry this year. Stella was also very recently appointed Modesto Poet Laureate for the 2016-2018 term. She lives in the Central Valley and works as a public librarian in Tracy.

Rhony Bhopla was born in London and raised in California. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Sacramento Poetry Center, is the editor of Poetry Now, and moderates a weekly poetry workshop at the Sacramento Library. Rhony holds a Bachelor of Science with a minor in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Davis, and a multiple-subject teaching credential from San Francisco State University. Her work appears in: Medusa’s Kitchen, Brevities, Sacramento Voices, Flumes, among others. Ceremony, Rhony’s chapbook, includes reveries on ancestral themes.

debee loyd lives in modesto, writing, making music, teaching and reaching to put eager fingers on faux-ivory keys.  Gathering inspiration from everywhere.

creds:      one chapbook, noon, twilight, midnight, published by Kathy Kieth, Rattlesnake Press, 2005

time in the poet laureate box for the city of modesto

hours and fortunes spent chasing elusive spaces in my        brain where the best poetry hides.  Finally decided to        excavate on my own.

“poems visit like rain.   Am always waiting for the next downpour”.

Gillian Wegener has had poetry published in Spillway, Packinghouse Review, Sow’s Ear, and Wherewithal. Her chapbook Lifting One Foot, Lifting the Other was published by In the Grove Press in 2001, and her first full-length collection of poetry, The Opposite of Clairvoyance was published in 2008 by Sixteen Rivers Press. Her second collection, This Sweet Haphazard, will be published in early 2017. In the meantime, she hosts the monthly 2nd Tuesday Reading Series, is founding president of the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center, and served as poet laureate for the City of Modesto from 2012-2016.

Second Tuesday @ Barkin’ Dog *Date Change

Our usual Second Tuesday reading is being held a week later — same time, same place — with Modesto Poet Laureate Stella Beratlis and Alice Anderson. Come join us for a reading followed by our usual open mic!

MoSt Board Meeting

Our next Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 26th, at 6:30 pm at Tom Portwood’s home. Please contact info@mostpoetry.org for more information, if you would like to attend. All members are welcome.

Save the Date(s): New Year’s Poetry Challenge

Calling all poets!

The 9th annual New Year’s Poetry Challenge will begin on December 10 and run through January 8. Everyone who is interested will receive a daily poetry prompt and we’ll write ourselves into 2017!

This is a low-pressure challenge — no one checks up on you, no one critiques your work. If you’d like to send in one of your poems toward the end of the Challenge, MoSt will publish it in our annual NYPC chapbook. In the meantime, help the prompter! If you have a great idea for a prompt, please send it to info@mostpoetry.org. If we use it in the Challenge, you will get all kinds of credit, good karma, and poetry love coming your way.