Tag: event

Coffee, Tea, and Poetry

Join host Salvatore Salerno for Coffee, Tea, and Poetry on July 10th at 8:00am Pacific Time. Share some poems from a recent book of poetry you’ve read or are reading. You can even share your screen ahead of time to show us a poem or two as you read. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88375358118?pwd=ejRaeTlnNlVXT0hWUjk5QW1uUWxBdz09 Meeting ID: …

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Poetry on Sunday Series

Poetry On Sunday Series Reading: November 21, 2021 Join host Gary Thomas and our featured readers Gerald Fleming, Michael Meyerhofer, And Melchor Sahagun III for the November 21st, 2021 edition of MoSt’s Poetry On Sunday Series readings on Zoom, beginning at 2:00 P. M. Pacific Time. Gerald Fleming‘s The Bastard and the Bishop is his …

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The Letter: Writing Resistance in Epistolary Poems

image for Sep 19 poetry workshop

Please check our Events for details on this free poetry workshop scheduled for September 19, 2020 at 1:00 pm.